

Do You Have A Project We Can Help With?


Technical Assistance

ETS ensures its customers a comprehensive service including, if necessary, the dispatching of specialized professionals with the purpose of ensuring the best solution for each project based on the customer’s priorities and requirements.

ETS offers and manages highly qualified multidisciplinary technical staff for project management & project control, pre-commissioning, commissioning, operation start-up for operations both on-shore and off-shore, energy production, processing and transport.

Specialist training for staff assigned to plant maintenance and operations.

All this by paying attention to safety and with in-depth knowledge of plant issues.



ETS offers services of applied engineering by dealing with plant management and maintenance through:

Feasibility and development studies, conceptual design.

Development of basic, detail and process design.

Owner’s engineering and technical due diligence for industrial plants.

Certifications, staff training and technical training.

Drawing up of operation manuals, commissioning, start-up / shut-down procedures.

Specifications and technical charts for material purchasing.

Process equipment standardization.



We design ad hoc training to enhance the performance of the Project, in line with what are our client challenges, the project Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs), and the main risks.
Our training is mainly targeted to get the Project Team to work effectively together, and achieve high performance, delivering a successful project.
We do specialize in multicultural teams and offer our training modules in the office or in the field, with multi-language instructors, on worldwide basis.
We can plan Project Training at project start-up and offer a Project Coach for the duration of the project.


Main Clients

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